Image of Enzelle that is known as the Eating Tourist. Short blond hair and blue eyes.
About the Eating Tourist

Welcome to the EATING TOURIST

Hi there,

I am a wife to a fantastic husband (Leon), mother of two daughters (Leonelle and Lerika). An animal lover, Food and Travel Blogger, self-made photographer, writer, influencer, my own social media boss, and whatever I feel like doing to enjoy life to the max.

In my free time, I always decorate something, read a book, work in the garden, or try to irritate Leon. I love spending time at any airport, sitting there drinking coffee and wondering where everyone is going. There is just something about the atmosphere that I adore.

I created the Eating Tourist to help everyone find confidence in getting on that airplane, travel the world, eat all that is different (no bugs), cook your own meals and enjoy life out there.

A little background of myself

Growing up in South Africa was amazing. Born in the Western Cape and finished school in the Freestate in a little town called Brandfort. Such an amazing community and it is here where I made amazing friends. The school teachers were fantastic. I always did sport like netball, athletics and sometimes tried tennis.

After school, I went to do some au-pair work in Belgium for a year and that’s where I started enjoying chocolate and oh boy did I eat a lot of chocolate.

I studied Marketing, Public relations, and Tourism management while working part-time in my dad’s restaurant. The idea of learning languages fascinates me and while studying I had the opportunity to learn some German. Afrikaans is my native language and English is compulsory while going to school in South Africa.

In 1999 I got back on an airplane and flew to Scotland with a very dear friend of mine (Annetjie) and there we worked in a hotel for 8 months and on weekends explored as much as possible of this beautiful country. After Scotland, I traveled to the Southern part of England where I did all different types of freelance work for about 2 years and returned back to South Africa.

At the age of 24, I opened my first little restaurant and bar in Strand, Western Cape, and expanded to 3 such venues. All was sold 18 years later and here I am.

Photo of Enzelle, her husband and two daughters
After all of this I got married to Leon and have two amazing daughters.

Why call me the Eating Tourist?

It is what it is, I love to eat/cook and tour/travel. Life is too short not to enjoy cheese, ravioli, wine, champagne, good food, and good company. Food and Travel connect us all. When traveling, exploring cultures, food, and this beautiful planet called Earth, I always bring some flavors and ideas back and incorporate them in my home-cooking. Trying to teach my children all walks of life.

blue and green logo of Eating Tourist
Logo of Eating Tourist

What to expect HERE!

I started this site only aiming at all my travel and food experiences. As you can see it has some of my favorite recipes, countries I have traveled to, travel stories, tips, online shopping and so much more. My bucket list is too long so in a nutshell, I still want to travel the world.


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You can follow my adventures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Still trying to figure out the Tik-Tok thing, which is more Lerika’s specialty.

Never thought of producing my braai sauce. Yes, that’s what I am also doing. It is only available in South Africa for now, but you never know where next!

Doing something for planet earth
Me and Monique cleaning the beaches in Phuket

Welcome to my adventures, hope you enjoy the recipes and stories.

Can't help it,  I feel like an Eating Tourist
Join me for many more adventures and recipes

I am a mother of two, wife to an amazing husband, travel freak, homemade cook. In my free time, I always decorate something, read books, or do gardening. My favorite coffee spot is any coffee spot as long as it is at an airport. I just love airports.

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