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Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya Thailand

Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya just waiting to be explored

Pattaya is situated southeast of Bangkok and you can take the local bus or train services, in our case we were 8 people so we hired a taxi.  The nightlife is very busy in this town/city and you get your Buddha statues, normal tourist attraction like the aquarium, but nobody would have been able to prepare me for this.  The Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya  is all wood.

Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya Thailand
Top of Sanctuary of Truth

First after purchasing a ticket were told to enter a small cabin where we watched a 10 minute video about the sanctuary of Truth Pattaya.  After the video I remembered my mother asked me if I am sure that we are going to this place today because she can’t believe that such a beautiful place lies down at the beach side.  We walked through a petting zoo with goats and rabbits and later came across two elephants where we had the opportunity to touch and take photos.  They were very strict on the clothing and Leonelle were given a sarong to cover her legs. Once down the staircase we were sea level and then we saw this beautiful wooden structure.

Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya Thailand
Part of the interior

What is inside?

This religious construction building is filled with sculptures based on Buddha and Hindu.  It all started with a Thai Business man who started the project in 1981.  The scheduled  of completion date is set to be in 2050.  The purpose is to use the art and culture based that shows a reflection of ancient vision of Earth.  It shows you ancient life, human responsibility, cycle of life and relationships with the universe.

Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya Thailand
One of the entrances inside


As each sculpture tells a story you need a whole day to visit and take all in.  There is  a food vendor outside that sells quickly prepared meals. Shows with traditional Thai dancing is on show everyday at lunch.

Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya Thailand
Lerika enjoying the petting zoo

I am a mother of two, wife to an amazing husband, travel freak, homemade cook. In my free time, I always decorate something, read books, or do gardening. My favorite coffee spot is any coffee spot as long as it is at an airport. I just love airports.

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