International Travel 1, 2, 3, here we go!
Hello to all of you out there. It’s been a while that I have not been in touch or doing the international travel thing. So, So sorry about that.
Today has been one of those days where I take my phone, open my photo gallery and start reminiscing on the past. Thinking off all the travels and cooking/baking – can you believe it, I am actually longing for airplane food. What’s that all about?
Yes, it’s all about, packing your bag, getting a stamp in your passport, and taking in all that is new, adventurous, delicious, and joyful.
Over the past 6 months, some of us have lost friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers and so much more. That is sad, that empty spot is reserved in your heart and mind only time heals pain. Life goes on. We all need to know that there is a whole new world out there to explore and inhale.
Take Action on International Travel
I need to get up, take on the next challenge in life, and just go for it. I have the urge to tell you that everything will be okay, this shall pass and we can live again. For me, living is not only getting up in the morning and taking on the day. For me, it is all about grabbing every possibility out there and go for gold.
Going through my photo gallery this one picture really hit me, telling me that life is a blessing. Telling me that it is important to eat well and international travel often.
Yes, yes yes, I am grabbing my bucket list and yes I am going to do this. I am going to visit Machu Pichu. Still on the list is going back to Egypt and drink tea next to the sphinx. In the near future, I am still going to visit the Aurora lights and definitely not doing any Bungy jump, parachuting, or anything going higher than 3 meters. No, No that’s not for me.
I am still going to eat good food, street food, burgers, tasty food, but not anything still looking at me, alive or even moving.
Come on let’s take this next road trip in our lives and let’s do what we do best. My best is eating food and showing you what’s out there to see.
I would love to see all our travel and food stories, please share. Take care and stay tuned for more stories.