South Africa

South Africa is where the heart is

South Africa so rich in diversity

Born in South Africa and growing up here is all I know.Β  I got married here and my two children are born here.Β  The sun most of the time shines and the winter is short. This is my country and I will always be South African.

South Africa
Burke’s Potholes

This country is rich inΒ  wildlife and culture and a huge variety of landscapes.Β  Β It has so much to offer, in the north there is the Kruger national park.Β  This is my favourite place in this country. You can view the big five from out of your car. Nature is at your fingertips. The beaches are all aroundΒ and if you like surfing then this is the country to come to. No wonder the whales come to breed here.Β  Getting that beautiful African glow is easy to get, by just lying and tanning on one of our beautiful beaches.

South Africa
In South Africa we BRAAI (BBQ)

God’s Window as we all know it is situated in the northern part and Burke’s potholes isΒ  worth a visit. Visit Kimberley’s hole where we used to dig out major diamonds. Table mountain in Cape Town isΒ  worth going up with the cable car and visiting the Victoria and Alfred waterfront is a shopping experience as is.Β  Go to Oudshoorn and ride some ostriches,Β  visit the Addo Elephant park and go elephant trekking. You can get by, by speaking English and if you are from the Netherlands you can get by, by speaking slowly as the Afrikaner speaks Afrikaans and that is a dialect from Dutch.

South Africa
One of our amazing beaches

When to go!

The best time to visit is from November to March during the summer months and then you can feel the holiday vibe in the air. Do not worry about what to bring as shops are spread everywhere and you can get by anything.Β  You also have the wine region and if you like to drink a glass or two then work in some wine tours and visit some wine farms and enjoy it.

I am a mother of two, wife to an amazing husband, travel freak, homemade cook. In my free time, I always decorate something, read books, or do gardening. My favorite coffee spot is any coffee spot as long as it is at an airport. I just love airports.

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