
Street Food Thailand

Eating Street Food Thailand

The idea of Street Food Thailand sounds weird. We are only used to “boerewors rolls and pancakes.Anything from smoothies, fruit, seafood, insects, burgers, ice cream, paella and chicken wraps.  The lists just carries on and on.  One thing that I really appreciate from street food is the fact that it is fresh, so very fresh and you stand there and see how they assemble the food. It’s just amazing.

Street Food Thailand
Tempura Prawns

Sampling the Thai street food gives you an idea of traditional Thai food.  Bangkok is known to be the best place for street food. I found that all over the street food is fantastic. You also find that some vendors sells pre-cooked meals and not the food to order like most.  Food can be bought and taken back to hotel and they pack their meals neatly in plastic bags.  In Bangkok, a housewife who feeds her family from a street food vendor is known as a “plastic-bag housewife”.

Street Food Thailand
Octopus  also known as Thai cuisine

Try not to leave Thailand without experiencing some of the delicious food sold by street vendors. One of items I really enjoy is the deep-fried banana fritters coated in a mixture of coconut, palm sugar and roasted rice. Street food did not become popular among native Thai people until the early 1960’s.

Street Food Thailand
Paella in Thailand – Amazing

A must try

In most cities and towns there will be vendors selling sweet roti. It is a very thin flat bread envelope. That can be filled with condensed milk and chocolate.  All Lerika had was the Nutella roti.  She just could not stop eating them and to top it up she would have it with Ice cream. Sugar Overload. I must say trying to prepare some of the dishes back home is just not the same. Go over to Thailand and forget about diet and enjoy the street food Thailand.

I am a mother of two, wife to an amazing husband, travel freak, homemade cook. In my free time, I always decorate something, read books, or do gardening. My favorite coffee spot is any coffee spot as long as it is at an airport. I just love airports.

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