Finger Food done in style
Amazing display of Finger Food
This time I had the opportunity to be a guest and was treated like royalty. The Sis Kata, Phuket really knows how to treat their guests and to display food. When catering for such a huge, variety of people, finger food is the best option. When keeping in mind that with so many dietary requirements from all over the world, therefore you really need to focus on satisfying your guests. This hotel did their homework and succeeded in every requirement.

For most western people if they think about finger good the idea of chicken nuggets, meat pies, sandwiches, brownies pops up. Not at this beautiful setting. Being fortunate to be one of the Thompson Holidays Blue and White Sunset Cocktail guests was and eye opener regarding finger food. Every dish was presented in style and individual portioned.

From slammers made fresh, beef, seafood, cheeses, poultry and dessert all were delicious and tasteful. Being a westerner visiting the Asian part of the world and experiencing their food is a must try in life. I must say that Thai cuisine is really competing with the top world cuisine competitors. The food inspired me to bring some ideas home and making it my mission to try their cuisine. There is something about the Thai cuisine, it is fresh, tasteful, flavorful, colorful and quick to prepare.

Finger food can be anything you set your mind to, try to think out of the box. Being a vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian or meat lover, you can always create the most wonderful dishes that does not require a fork or knife.

All you need to create a display of finger food is your imagination, good quality produce, single portions and creativeness shall follow.